Pupuk Dolomit Untuk Sawit Berapa Dosis

Pupuk Dolomit Untuk Sawit Berapa Dosis Rating: 7,2/10 94 votes

.Mien KMS Mahmud2012-11-01Full Text Available Kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida darah merupakan salah satu indikator yang dapat digunakan untuk mendiagnosa kemungkinan adanya gangguan jantung atherosklerosis. Kadar lipida darah mempunyai korelasi yang tinggi dengan jenis lemak atau minyak yang dikonsumsi setiap hari, karena komposisi asam lemak pada setiap jenis minyak berbeda. Tempe telah lama digemari masyarakat Indonesia dan telah diketahui bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Penelitian yang dilaporkan melalui makalah ini bertujuan mempelajari peluang kejadian penyakit atherosklerosis pada pada kelinci dengan pola konsumsi minyak makan asal kelapa sawit, minyak kedelai, minyak asal lemak babi atau minyak babi dicampur tempe. Kelinci percobaan dewasa yang sehat dikelompokkan berdasarkan kadar hemoglobin darah antara 8.2-13.6 g/dl menjadi lima kelompok percobaan. Satu kelompok sebagai kontrol diberi ronsum standar terdiri dari pelet, kangkung dan ubi merah secara adlibitum.

  1. Pupuk Dolomit Untuk Sawit Berapa Dosis Di

Empat kelompok lainnya, disamping ransum standar juga diberi 2 ml minyak babi atau minyak kedelai atau minyak kelapa sawit atau minyak babi yang ditambahkan 5 gram tempe bubuk, sehari. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap kadar kolesterol total, LDL, HDL dan trigliserido darah.

Pupuk Dolomit Untuk Sawit Berapa Dosis Di

Dilakukan pula pemeriksaan histopatologi pada jaringan pembuluh darah jantung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minyak babi menyebabkan kenaikan kadar kolesterol total, LDL, HDL dan trigliserida didalam darah sebanyak masing-masing berturut-tuut 60%, 89%, 52% dan 42%. Minyak kelapa sawit menaikan kadar kolesterol total 15%, menurunkan kadar LDL 21%, menaikan kadar HDL 24% dan menurunkan kadar trigliserida 14%.

Minyak kedelai menurunkan kolesterol total sebanyak 10%, LDL 30%, trigliserida 24% seraya menaikan kadar HDL sebanyak 3%. Penambahan tempe ke dalam minyak babi dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol total 10%, LDL 44%, trigliserida 28% dan memelihara kadar HDL lebih tinggi dari sebelum perlakuan. Hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan bahwa pemberian.Susila Sastri2014-05-01Full Text Available AbstrakProfil lemak darah ikut ditentukan oleh jenis dan proporsi asam lemak dalam minyaksawit dan minyak kelapa yang dikonsumsi. Kandungan asam lemak tak jenuh (ALTJ danasam lemak jenuh (ALJ dalam minyak sawit hampir sama banyak, sedangkan minyakkelapa kaya akan asam lemak jenuh rantai sedang (ALJRS yang mudah dirubah menjadienergi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruh diet tinggi minyak sawitdan minyak kelapa terhadap profil lemak darah tikus putih jantan galur Wistar. Penelitiandilakukan melalui pemberian diet tinggi minyak sawit (DMS dan diet tinggi minyak kelapa(DMK terhadap tikus jantan Wistar putih selama 8 minggu adlibitum.

Profil lemak darah diukurdengan spektrofotometer. Data diolah secara non-parametrik dengan p.Violet Burhanuddin2016-08-01Full Text Available Penelitian sifat fisika meliputi kerapatan, kadar air, penyerapan air dan pengembangan tebal dan sifat mekanika meliputi keteguhan lentur (MoE keteguhan patah (MoR serta pengurangan tebal akibat tekanan. Rancangan Percobaan Yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL dengan 3 perlakuan yaitu 100% pelepah kelapa sawit; 100% kulit durian dan 50% pelepah kelapa sawit: 50% kulit durian dengan 3 kali ulangan. Standar yang digunakan untuk perbandingan yaitu SNI–03– 2104-1991-A.Sofyan, Herry2011-01-01Indonesia merupakan salah satu Negara penghasil minyak dan gas, Pada pertengahan dekade 1980-an, para ahli anggota Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) menyatakan bahwa di wilayah kedaulatan Indonesia terdapat enam puluh cekungan geologi yang secara potensial mengandung sumber daya hidrokarbon.

Cekungan geologi yang ternyata mengandung cadangan minyak dan gas yang dapat diproduksikan secara komersial, hingga kini berjumlah 12 cekungan, di antaranya cekungan Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Tengah, Su.Toto Saktioto2018-04-01Full Text Available Productivity of palm tree grown are generally measured in months periods, but in a shorter time scale is particularly less measured by the plant maintenance of palm tree. Consideration of the general productivity in time is how to produce good fruit fertilizer (chemical aspect, healthy plants, fast growing and evolving (agricultural aspect and genetic type of palm that grows (biological aspect. However, the growth and production on the physical aspect is still less attention. Through physical treatment, the growth of palm tree can be optimized, as it has been proven in advanced countries on the plant Aloe Vera, Avocado and Pine trees. This paper proposes a treatment of direct current voltage to palm tree that can accelerate the flow of ions to grow and develop nutrients with the increment of geometry and sturcture of leaf and midrib. The palm tree samples are aged 1 to 5 years corresponding to the provision of various current voltage.

Identification of samples before and after treatment by electricity determined is based on the geometry of leaves and midrib and ions effect. This identification can support the productivity of palm trees.Rosmiati Rosmiati; Mustafid Mustafid; Ibnu Widiyanto2016-01-01Palm oil plantations is one of the sub-sectors of agriculture crops in Indonesia, which is the main source of food and economic growth.

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) into a model of performance measurement system that can provide a solution within the framework of an integrated performance measurement using financial and non financial aspects. This study aims to develop information systems to measure the performance of oil palm plantations using the Balanced Scorecard method. Measurement of pe.Y Yuwana2018-03-01Full Text Available Biomassa originated from palm oil plant is potential to be processed into various industrial products. In the production line this material needs to dry into certain level of moisture content, mostly about 10% (wet basis and commonly called as dry material. It is advantageous if the dryng time to produce a dry material can be predicted. Prediction is usually approached by setting up drying model of the material. The most common drying model in formulated in the form of moisture ratio in function of drying time in which the moisture content is calculated in dry basis.

On the other, in practice, the moisture content of material is expressed in wet basis. The objectives of this research were to determine the drying curves and to predict the drying times of palm oil empty fruit bunches, stem and fiber dried from solar dying and oven drying.

Three series of experiments were carried out according to the types of materials. The results of the experiments revealed as follows. The curves produced by the solar energy dryer operating at drying temperatures ranged from 42oC to 54,5oC for both empty fruit bunches and stem were quadratic whereas the curves produced by the oven having temperature of 105 oC for stem and fiber were linear and quadratic respectively. The form of curves obtained from the relationships between materials moisture contents determined in wet basis and drying times were similar to the curves of materials moisture ratios in function of drying times. The drying times of the solar energy drying for the empty fruit bunches were 20 hours dan 19.3 hours for Dura variety and Tenera variety respectively while those of stems were 16.3 hours and 17.9 hours respectively for Dura variety and Tenera variety.

Pupuk dolomit untuk sawit berapa dosis indonesia

The drying times of the oven drying for the stems were 7.1 hours, 6.9 hours and 5.0 hours respectively for the lower, middle and upper parts of the stems.Bahrin, Bahrin; Ardilla, Desi; Taufik, Muhammad2015-01-01Abstract The porpuse of research was to knew influence and the heat of combustion palm oil briquette with added additive substance. The work principle of research included foreword working was preparations raw material (Oil palm eggshell) and additive substance (rice husk, bagasse, shell of coconut).Raw materials of palm oil was burning in the vurnace at temperature 400 0C for four o’clock and refined at the measure of 1 mm and so also above additive substance was refined a.F. Agustin2010-04-01Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the effective Cr (chromium level for Ganoderma lucidum growth in solid state fermentation of oil palm by-product. Treatments were combination of Cr level (0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 25000, and 3000 ppm and fermentation time (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks. The treatments were allocated in a factorial 7x5 of complete randomized design with four replications.

Inoculant of G. Lucidum was grown in potato dextrosa agar (PDA medium for 10 days and then innoculated to substrate which have been autoclaved and mixed with CrCl3.6H2O.

The moisture of substrate was maintained at 65%. Growth media of G. Lucidum was diluted with aquades and the supernatant was analysed for its Cr content. The result showed that the addition of Cr up to 3000 ppm into the medium stimulated the G. Lucidum growth in all experimental condition. The Cr ions were incorporated into the media and G. Lucidum cells during fermentation.

Incorporation of chromium by G. Lucidum was higher in oil palm by-product substrate with 3000 ppm Cr than the others. It is concluded that Cr can be incorporated into the G. Lucidum cells during fermentation. The effective level of Cr for G. Lucidum growth was 3000 ppm with efficiency of Cr incorporation 68.23% in 8 weeks fermentation and chromium in protein of fermentation product was 12.01%.Muhammad Raju2016-10-01Full Text Available Empty fruit bunch (EFB and shell of oil palm are potential sources of bioenergy because they contain lignocellulose (cellulose, hemycellulose and lignin which can be converted to bio-oil (liquid, char, or combustible gases by pyrolysis process. Operating temperature of the pyrolysis process will influence the composition of the liquid, char and gases, as well as its characteristics.

The objective of this study is to characterize the pyrolysis product of both empty fruit bunch and shell as affected by the pyrolysis temperature. The experiment was conducted by using a lab scale pyrolysis reactor, specially designed with controlable temperature. The temperature of the pyrolysis process was controled at 300°C, 400°C, 500°C, and 600°C level, and the product was measured and analysed. The result showed that pyrolysis of shell produced char, liquid and gases at the range of 34.99 - 63.78%, 22.76 - 43.28% and 13.47 - 21.73%, in mass fraction respectively. While pyrolysis of empty fruit bunch produced char, liquid and gases at the range of 30.66 - 64.7%, 16.25 - 29.16% and 18.98 - 44.49%, in mass fraction respectively. Increasing temperature resulted in increasing calorific value of the pyrolysis char from shell and empty fruit bunch in range of 25.64 – 29.60 kJ/g and 24.50 – 27.86 kJ/g, respectively.

However, the calorific value of pyrolysis gases was decreasing with the increasing temperature in range of 12.18 kJ/g – 20.05 kJ/g and 11.98 kJ/g – 15.94 kJ/g, respectively. The gas calorific value did not account H2 gas, which might be the cause of the phenomenon.

Shell pyrolysis temperature increasing caused the increasing of CO concentration in range 2.86% - 18.42% while the CH4 concentration increased at 400°C level afterwards decreased at higher temperature level in range of 0.89% - 2.84%. The increasing of EFB pyrolysis temperature increased CO dan CH4 concentration in range 3.8% - 15.74% and 0.29% - 0.76%, respectively.Syarif Hidayat2012-01-01Full Text Available The actors in the palm oil supply chain industry are the farmers, traders, crude palm oil (CPO factories, frying-oil factories (refineries, distributors and the consumers. The farmers sell fresh fruit bunches (FFB to the CPO factories through traders. FFB is converted into CPO which is later sold to the refineries. Refineries convert CPO into frying oil which is sold to the consumers through the distributors.

There are risks due to product quality consistency, price fluctuation and supply chain continuity. This study has two objectives: (1 to develop a model to identify, evaluate and rank the risks, (2 to develop a model to identify and rank the strategies in improving their added value. Data for this study was obtained through direct interviews and questionnaires. The respondents were selected experts and industry players. The data were processed using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP models. The first FAHP model showed that the two most important risks were the supply chain continuity and product quality. The second FAHP model showed that the recommended strategies to improve the added values of the actors were the improvement of the infrastructure/cluster development, followed by the usage of superior seeds and cultivation techniques.Siregar, Robbin Gafur2011-01-01Robbin gafur siregar, Study of Spreading of Oryctes rhinoceros beetle on Palm Oil Plantations, with the conseling prof.

Darma Bakti and Ir. Spreading of Oryctes rhinoceros is influenced by environment factor. Research aimed to know the spreading of Oryctes rhinoceros on palm oil.This research was held in Afdeling VII, Kebun Rambutan PTPN III Tebing Tinggi, since Juli to September 2010. The research by using Linier regration to find spreading influence with environment fa.Sejahtra, Ahmad2011-01-01Ahmad Sejahtra, 'BIOLOGY SHOOT BORERS BEETLE PEST OF COCONUT PALM (Oryctes rhinoceros L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) AT KASSA HOUSE', Under supervised by Ms Marheni and Ms Fatima Zahara.

This study aims to determine biological pest of oil palm bud weevil (Oryctes rhinoceros L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) at home kassa. The experiment was conducted on people's plantations in PERUMNAS Simalingkar starting from September 2010 until April 2011. Research using observational methods for this resear.H, Afriani; Idris, Nahri; F, Fatati2014-01-01The survey method was used to conduct this study through 180 cow farmers in three Regencies (merangin, Muaro Jambi and West tanjung Jabung) in Jambi Province. Samples of farmer were choised as the Simple Random sampling. Results of this study showed that farmer interest to rare cows within palm oil plantatition area in Jambi Province looked high with the interest value of 82.24% and the motivation of farmer to grow cow was medium with the value of 77.56%. The analysis of multiple linear reg.H, Afriani; Idris, Nahri; F, Fatati2014-01-01The survey method was used to conduct this study through 180 cow farmers in three Regencies (merangin, Muaro Jambi and West tanjung Jabung) in Jambi Province. Samples of farmer were choised as the Simple Random sampling.

Results of this study showed that farmer interest to rare cows within palm oil plantatition area in Jambi Province looked high with the interest value of 82.24% and the motivation of farmer to grow cow was medium with the value of 77.56%. The analysis of multiple linear regr.Reno Irwanto2016-06-01Full Text Available Diabetes mellitus type-2 (DM-2 is a disease characterized by high level of blood glucose which may result in complications of other diseases. Currently, the disease prevalence of DM-2 has been increasing. Appropriate diet patterns can be a solution for DM-2 control. Black soybean milk (BSM enriched with microencapsulated crude palm oil (CPO is an example. The objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of BSM containing microencapsulated CPO in controlling and improving the condition of DM-2 patients. The intervention consist 2 group with 15 people DM-2 was given BSM 240 mL containing 0.4 g microencapsulated CPO daily for 28 days, while a control group with 11 people DM-2 without intervention product.


Data were analyzed using software SPSS 15.0 with student-t test at significant level α=5%. Medicines prescribed to all volunteer were not terminated during the intervention period.

The microencapsulated CPO usedin this study has a moisture content of 1.77±0.15%, solubility value of 65.39±2.71%, and total carotene of 295.24±7.40 ppm while BSM has protein content of 2.76±0.13%, fat 1.17±0.06%, ash 0.12±0.08%, moisture 94.69±0.04%, and carbohydrate (by difference 1.27±0.10%. The consumption of BSM containing microencapsulated CPO showed insignificant effects on Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG levels (P0.05, but significantly reduced cyclooxygenase 2 levels (P0.05, cyclooxygenase 2 (P0.05. The significant changes indicated that BSM containing microenca-psulated CPO has against DM-2 disease.Ali Maksum2016-12-01Full Text Available Grease with food grade specification is essentially required on food processing production activities. The purpose of this study is to develop a new product marketing mix for food grade grease, i.e 1 product priority, 2 pricing priority, 3 distribution priority and 4 advertising priority. This Research was conducted in Sub District Purbalingga and Padamara, Purbalingga regency with respondent SMEs food processing. Analysis of the determination of marketing mix that includes product, price, advertising and distribution using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP. Sampling was purposive random sampling method with a population of 64 SMEs so drawn sample of 20 respondents.

Result of the study showed the marketing mix priority which were: (1 advertising priority for the new food grade grease product with an ads that could attract the attention of consumers in order to made the consumers interested, tried, and bought the new food grade lubricating grease products. (2 Price priority for the new food grade grease products which was by determining the moderate prices to compete the competitors' prices while still maintained a high quality. (3 Product priority for new food grade grease product which was producing a qualified product which could withstand the wear of the engine, green colour of the product, a 350 g size packs with a rectangular shape packaging labels.

(4 Distribution priority for the new food grade grease product which was a short distribution channels through mobile vendors so that the consumers were able to save costs, and got the product fast and easily.Ringgo Afrinando2016-01-01This study discusses about information systems of CPO supply chain management in PTPN 6 Ophir. PTPN 6 management still use the conventional system (archival documents) in running their business.

This information is not yet integrated with the map of plantation, so it will allow errors and inaccuracies in the planning, management and maintenance of oil palm plantations. Otherwise, the output from the production and processing of FFB to CPO and Palm Kernel also has not been well managed.

So thi.Br Bangun, Sofia2011-01-01Fossil fuel consumption are increasing rapidly and has increased, while fossil fuel reserves are limited, research is directed towards alternative renewable fuels. A potensial diesel fuel substitute is biodiesel. On this research cooking palm oil and ethanol are converted to biodiesel using base catalyst potassium hydroxide (KOH) with transesterification reaction scheme.

Reaction take place during 4 hour at temperature 78oC,with comparison of ethanol: cooking palm oil molar ratio 6.' , Hagi; Hadi, Syaiful; Tety, Ermi2012-01-01The purpose of this research is to analyze dynamics export competitiveness ofIndonesia's and Malaysia's palm oil in International market.


And to analyze exportperformance of Indonesia's and Malaysia's palm oil in International market. The dataused in the study was time series of 1995 - 2009 obtained from various sourcessuch as FAO, MPOB, BPS, Dirjenbun Deptan, and Oil World. The result of thisresearch are, dynamic export competitiveness of Indonesia's palm oil haveimprovement in exporting mar.Hari Purnomo2014-04-01Full Text Available Indonesia sebagai Negara yang beriklim tropis memiliki areal perkebunan kelapa luas yang menghasilkan buah, daun dan kayu serta limbah.

Limbah sabut kelapa seringkali diabaikan dan tidak dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh masyarakat. Daging buah adalah komponen utama buah kelapa, sedangkan sabut, tempurung, dan air buah merupakan hasil samping. Sebagian besar petani hanya membuang sabut kelapa atau memanfaatkan untuk kerajinan seperti sapu, keset dan tali tambang. Sabut kelapa jarang dimanfaatkan menjadi produk dengan sentuhan teknologi yang bernilai jual tinggi. Penelitian ini merupakan pemanfaatan limbah serat sabut kelapa dijadikan produk tas kantor wanita dengan teknologi komposit. Lembaran sabut kelapa (leskap dengan teknologi komposit dilakukan dengan penggabungan serat sabut kelapa dengan karet alam yang di pres selama 30 menit dengan suhu 100oc. Desain tas dibuat beberapa alternatif yang selanjutnya dilakukan seleksi konsep dan dilakukan penilaian konsep dengan scoring.

Hasil seleksi konsep didapat: (a Konsep desain 5 dijadikan sebagai desain A; (b Konsep desain 8 dijadikan sebagai desain B; (c Konsep desain 10 dijadikan sebagai desain C; (d Konsep desain 3, 6, 7 digabung yang dijadikan desain D. Sedangkan konsep desain 1,2,4 dan 9 tidak diikutkan dalam penilaian konsep. Berdasarkan scoring terpilih konsep desain D dengan nilai 3,0.Nasruddin2011-01-01The objective of this research is to study the cooking oil quality from raw material of grated coconut flesh. The grated coconut flesh is dried within oven at 35 °C to 50 °C temperature until its water content reached 5%.

Grated coconut flesh with maximum water content of 5% was weighted with magnitude of 1000 g for each treatments. It was subsequently wrapped by using cloth for sterilization processs at 10 psi, 12.5 psi and 15 psi pressures as well as 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes of sterilizat.Arniah Dali2015-01-01Full Text Available It as done a research on the influence of the rotational speed of stirring and standing time on the yield and quality virgin coconut oil (VCO. VCO is made with mechanical engineering variations stirring round and standing time. Variations in the rotational speed of stirring cream coconut milk is 372, 385, 449, 503, and 539 rpm. The results were obtained optimum rotational speed is 503 rpm with a yield 23.66% (v/v.

Variations coconut cream standing time is 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 hours. The results were obtained optimum standing time is 8 hours with a yield of 22.90% (v/v, the water content of 0.17%, acid content of 0.26%, saponification value of 247.656 mg KOH/g of fat, and a peroxide value of 0.199 mL eq/kg.Silalahi, Nulika Fitria2015-01-01Short chain and medium chain fatty acids, mainly lauric acid are the major content of virgin coconut oil (VCO) bound as triglycerides.

Partial hydrolysis of triglycerides will generate free fatty acids and glycerol. Hidrolysis using NaOH (saponification) generate lauric acid, monolaurin and dilaurin. Lauric acid and monolaurin are effective as antibacterial and antifungal agent whereas dilaurin and trilaurin are not. The purpose of this research was to study the influence of addition VCO and.Yunita Susanti; Purwanto Purwanto; Yuliana Kristiani Dewi2012-01-01Enzymatic process using papain is an efficient and less expensive method for producing coconut oil. This research was conductedto produce coconut oil which meet quality requirement from Cocos Nucifera L using ripe fruit peel and seed of papaya (Carica PapayaL) as enzyme sources. The coconut oil was prepared by mixing of coconut milk and juice of papaya ripe fruit peel and/or seed; and thenthe oils produced and incubated for 24 hours. The physicochemical properties of the coconut oil were dete.Yulianis S.Farm, M.Farm, Apt2018-03-01Full Text Available Minyak atsiri daun sereh dapur mengandung citronella dan geraniol, kandungan ini mempunyai aktivitas sebagai antinyamuk.

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan isolasi minyak atsiri menggunakan metoda destilasi air. Minyak atsiri daun sereh dapur diuji dengan konsentrasi 1%, 5%, 10%, dan 15%, kemudian disemprotkan kepada nyamuk, uji ini juga menggunakan kontrol (- berupa zat pembawa tanpa minyak atsiri dan kontrol (+ berupa obat semprot yang beredar dipasaran.

Hasil uji aktivitas antinyamuk terhadap 100% kematian nyamuk dengan konsentrasi 1%, 5%, 10%, dan 15% berturut turut diperoleh waktu kematian 3.05, 2.03, 1.1 dan 0.6 (menit dan detik, untuk kontrol (- tidak mempunyai aktivitas membunuh nyamuk, sedangkan kontrol (+ diperoleh waktu 20 detik. Kesimpulan uji aktivitas antinyamuk minyak atsiri daun sereh dapur diperoleh semakin besar konsentrasi, aktivitasnya semakin tinggi.Kata Kunci: Antinyamuk; Minyak atsiri; Sereh dapur.Astuti, Widi; Putra, Nur Nalindra2014-01-01Sereh wangi merupakan salah satu tanaman penghasil minyak atsiri yang banyak mengandung geraniol.

Geraniol merupakan senyawa penyedia oksigen sehingga minyak sereh wangi dimungkinkan dapat digunakan sebagai bio additive gasoline. Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan kadar geraniol dalam minyak sereh wangi dan menggunakannya sebagai bio additive gasoline.Penelitian dilakukan dalam tiga tahap, yaitu pemungutan minyak sereh wangi dari daun sereh wangi, peningkatan kadar geraniol dalam minyak.Kalmah, L.; Suryadi, F.X.; Schultz, E.2010-01-01Kelapa Gading area is located in the plains of North Jakarta about 6 km from the coastline of Jakarta Bay.

Kelapa Gading area covers 1288 ha it consists of three large compartments and next to that the Kodamar Unit separated system from Kelapa Gading excess water of the area is discharged to Sunter.Rodiah Nurbayasari2017-05-01Full Text Available Isi perut merupakan hasil samping pengasapan ikan patin (Pangasius hypophthalmus yang jumlahnya mencapai 5-6%/hari dari jumlah ikan yang diasap. Jumlah hasil samping yang besar tersebut apabila tidak diolah dapat mencemari lingkungan. Masyarakat pengolah di Kabupaten Kampar, Riau telah mengekstraksi isi perut tersebut menjadi minyak ikan kasar dengan produksi 110 L/hari. Untuk itu diperlukan teknologi pemurnian yang dapat meningkatkan nilai ekonomi minyak ikan kasar yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan pemurnian minyak kasar hasil samping pengasapan ikan patin dengan menggunakan empat metode pemurnian. Masing-masing metode pemurnian tersebut memiliki perbedaan seperti konsentrasi bentonit, waktu dan suhu proses, konsentrasi NaOH pada proses netralisasi, dan penggunaan asam sitrat atau natrium klorida pada proses degumming.

Bahan penelitian yang digunakan adalah dua jenis minyak ikan patin kasar yaitu hasil ekstraksi isi perut ikan patin dengan pengukusan dan hasil ekstraksi dengan pemanasan. Sebelum dan setelah dimurnikan, minyak ikan dianalisis bilangan asam lemak bebas, bilangan peroksida, bilangan iodin, warna, dan profil asam lemak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada minyak ikan hasil ekstraksi dengan pengukusan yang dimurnikan menggunakan metode I, terjadi penurunan nilai asam lemak bebas sebesar 50,79%; peroksida sebesar 23,75%; dan peningkatan angka iodin 20,99%.

Produktivitas kakao nasional sebesar 880 kg/ha/tahun. Jika tanaman dirawat dengan baik, produktivitasnya bisa menembus 1-2 ton/ha/tahun. Bagaimana caranya? Menurut Azwar Abu Bakar, Direktur Tanaman Rempah dan Penyegar, Ditjen Perkebunan, Kementerian Pertanian (Kementan), baik produksi maupun produktivitas kakao nasional periode 2011-2013 mengalami peningkatan yang cukup rendah, sebesar 4,5%/tahun. Azwar mengkhawatirkan stok bahan baku kakao yang semakin minim jika pertanaman kakao tidak dikelola dengan baik. “Empat hingga lima tahun ke depan status Indonesia akan berubah dari ekspor menjadi impor jika tidak ada upaya konkrit. Stok dalam negeri harus dijaga,” papar Azwar saat ditemui AGRINA, Rabu (27/8).

Sementara Zulhelfi Sikumbang, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Kakao Indonesia (Askindo), menegaskan, industri kakao kekurangan bahan baku. “Menurut data Askindo saat ini produksi biji kakao di dalam negeri baru mencapai 450 ribu ton/tahun, Padahal kapasitas produksi industrinya mencapai 600 ribu ton sehingga kita kekurangan untuk memenuhi kapasitas industri. Ini menurut saya adalah lampu kuning. Dan ini bisa saja akan berakibat pada meningkatnya impor biji kakao,” ulasnya. Zul menambahkan, produksi kakao mulai menurun sejak delapan tahun terakhir. “Puncak produksi kakao terbesar di Indonesia terjadi pada 2006 dengan produksi kakao mencapai 620 ribu ton. Namun, setelah itu mulai menurun produksinya dan tidak stabil,” bebernya.

Menurut Azwar, peningkatan produksi dan produktivitas kakao salah satunya dilaksanakan melalui Gernas Kakao atau gerakan nasional peningkatan produksi dan mutu kakao. Gernas dilakukan pada 2009-2011 di sentra produksi kakao melalui peremajaan 70 ribu ha lahan pertanaman kakao, rehabilitasi 235 ribu ha, intensifikasi 145 ribu ha, pemberdayaan petani sebanyak 45 ribu orang, pengendalian hama penyakit tanaman seluas 450 ribu ha, dan perbaikan mutu kakao sesuai SNI.Dalam perkembangannya, sambung Azwar, Gernas Kakao berlangsung hingga 2013 dengan realisasi mencapai 460.303 ha meliputi peremajaan 82.520 ha, rehabilitasi 218.793, dan intensifikasi 158.990 ha. “Berdasarkan Kajian Dampak Gernas Kakao yang dilakukan beberapa perguruan tinggi, antara lain INSTIPER, UGM, IPB, dan Unhas menunjukkan Gernas Kakao memberikan manfaat bagi pertumbuhan perekonomian. Salahsatu intensifikasi pertanaman kakao dengan melakukan pemupukan.

MenurutSonson Garsoni, pemilik PT Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana, produsen pupuk diBandung, Jabar, petani kakao masih melakukan pemupukan dengan caraditabur. Padahal, sambungnya, cara pemupukan tersebut menimbulkanpemborosan sebesar 70% sebab pupuk urea bersifat mudah menguap dan mudahtercuci air. “Jadi, kalau ditabur di permukaan tanah itu tercuci, leaching,dan ketika panas juga menguap,” ulasnya. Sonson menambahkan, idealnyapupuk itu dibuat dalam bentuk tablet, granul, atau bentuk lain yang bisadiaplikasi dengan cara dibenamkan sekitar 15 cm di bawah permukaantanah.

Pada fase tanaman menghasilkan (TM) 1 dan 80 kg/ha TM2. Keyboard stops working in windows. Sonson pun menyarankan petani menggunakan pupuk kompos.

Pasalnya,lahan pertanian di Indonesia sudah jenuh dengan pupuk kimia yangmematikan jasad renik di sekitar tanaman. “Kita rekomendasikanpenggunaan kompos atau kandang sekitar 6 kg/pohon. Karena kejenuhanunsur kimia juga menyebabkan tanah menjadi masam, diperlukan peningkatanpH mendekati 7 dengan penambahan dolomit atau kapur.

Itu rekomendasipemupukan yang baik untuk tanaman kakao,” ia menjelaskan. Sementara itu,ketersediaan air tanah juga akan mencukupi dengan adanya.Pasalnya, kompos bersifat menahan air dan menjaga kelembapan tanah disekitar perakaran tanaman. Dear all, about tablet fertilizer, One of the intensification of cocoa cultivation by fertilizing. According to Sonson Garsoni, owner of PT Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana, fertilizer producer in Bandung, West Java, cocoa farmers are still doing fertilization by sowing. In fact, he added, the way fertilization causes waste of 70% because urea fertilizer is volatile and easily washed water. 'So, if sown in the soil surface was washed, leaching, and when the heat also evaporated,' ulasnya. Sonson added, ideally the fertilizer was made in the form of tablets, granules, or other forms that can be applied by immersing about 15 cm below the soil surface.

Pupuk adalah zat yang ditambahkan kedalam media tanam atau tanaman guna mencukupi kebutuhan hara yang tidak bisa dipenuhi oleh tanah tempat tumbuhnya. Dilihat dari kandungannya, pupuk tunggal adalah ketika hanya mengandung satu unsur hara, dan memiliki lebih dari satu unsur hara hingga 13 unsur hara esensial, kemudian disebut pupuk majemuk. Terkadang, kedalam Pupuk juga bisa disajikan dalam bentuk butiran ( prilled), granul ( ukuran 2 - 4 mm), remah, briket serta tablet. Pupuk majemuk dengan kandungan hingga 13 unsur dan disajikan bentuk tablet, ukuran 3 atau 10 gram, dengan diberikan pelepas hara secara terkendali, disebut sebagai (PMLT). Pupuk majemuk lengkap formulasi Gramalet adalah pupuk spesifik bagi tanaman sawit dan kelompok tanaman palma lainnya seperti tanaman hias palm, pinang dan kelapa yang dirancang dengan mempertimbangkan jumlah maupun jenis kebutuhan unsur hara bagi pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman kelapa sawit.

Kandungan hara lengkap yang meliputi makro primer (NPK), makro sekunder (Mg,S,Ca) dan mikro esensial ( Fe, B, Bo, Mo, Mn, Zn, Cl ) disajikan berbentuk tablet ukuran 10 gram ( diameter 24 mm ) guna menjamin pelanggan mendapatkan aneka hara pupuk lengkap yang sudah mengandung seluruh unsur hara sekaligus dalam setiap tablet. Formula ini mendapat tanda SNI dan terdaftar pada Departemen Pertanian RI No: T904/BSP/II/2003. Pemahaman pemupukan berdasar kondisi kesuburan lahan perlu didukung dengan keberadaan alat ukur yang bisa digunakan secara cepat, hemat biaya dan mudah untuk digunakan para pekebun dan pengusaha perkebunan serta petani pada umumnya.

NPK Tester digital ini mampu mengukur kadar NPK yang terkandung dalam larutan, material pupuk maupun tanah. Atas dasar hal-hal diatas itulah maka dikembangkan suatu cara uji pupuk yang sederhana dari segi peralatan, cara penggunaannya serta harga, namun mampu mendeteksi kualitas pupuk ( kandungan hara NPK). Pupuk Gramalet® Padi adalah pupuk majemuk lengkap yang diformulasi dan diproduksi spesifik tanaman padi. Pupuk spesifik Padi ini membantu petani mendapatkan berbagai unsur hara pupuk sekaligus tersedia dalam setiap tablet. Kandungan lengkap meliputi hara makro primer ( N,P,K), makro sekunder (Mg,S,Ca) dan mikro elemen ( Fe, B, Bo, Mn, Zn, Cl ) disajikan dalam bentuk tablet 3 gr.

Bentuk tablet dan kandungan hara lengkap menjadikan kebutuhan dosis pupuk pada tanaman padi sangat efisien. Satu ha padi sawah sebagai contoh - sebagaimana rekomendasi hasil penelitian Balai Penelitian Padi ( Balitpadi ) Sukamandi- memerlukan dosis pupuk Gramalet® Padi hanya 120 kg sampai 160 kg per musim.

Formula ini terdaftar di Dep Pertanian RI No: T 903/BSP/II/2003.