Cisco Delete File From Flash
CommandFilesystemDescriptionDeleteAllMarks the files as deleted, but does not permanentlyremove them from flash.SqueezeAPermanently removes all files that have been marked asdeleted.FormatA and CErases the entire flash device.VerifyAllVerifies that the IOS file’s checksum matches the valueencoded in the image.UndeleteA and BRecovers deleted files.EraseA and BErases the entire flash device.The erase command is not available on all routertypes. On routers that use the Class C filesystem, you can removefiles from the flash only with the delete command.The delete command marksfiles as deleted, but does not permanently remove them: Router1# show slot1:PCMCIA Slot1 flash directory:File Length Name/status1 11992088 c3620-ik9s-mz.122-13.bin deleted16515072 bytes used, 0 available, 16515072 total16384K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot1 flash (Read/Write)Router1#You can permanently remove this file and reclaim the space onthe flash device with the squeeze command. Note, however, that onlyrouters with the type A filesystem support this command: Router1# squeeze slot1:Squeeze operation may take a while. confirm squeeze in progress.Squeeze of slot1 completeRouter1#The squeeze function cantake up to several minutes, so be patient.
Cisco Delete File From Flash Drive On Mac
Once the squeeze command is complete, you can viewthe flash device to verify that the file is gone: Router1# show slot1:PCMCIA Slot1 flash directory:No files in PCMCIA Slot1 flash0 bytes used, 16515072 available, 16515072 total16384K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot1 flash (Read/Write)Router1#The file is has now been permanently removed, and you can nolonger recover it with the undelete command. On routers with filesystemsthat do not support the squeezecommand, the only way to permanently remove deleted filesis to use the erase command.However, the erase commanddeletes the entire flash system and will not permit you to deleteindividual files. It’s all or nothing. In the next recipe, we willlook at ways to partition flash devices to reduce the impact of theerase command.