Cara Membuat Private Server Perfect World
Next go to your server and find directory /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ and open file ifcfg-eth0and change the IPs in there BROADCAS and IPADDR so u set a static IP for yourserver as the Ip we did before was not static and would change if ureboot the server,then Go back to /etc/sysconfig/ and open file network and change the gatway to your router Ip (Ip you use to access the router settings page (IP gate away must be different from server IP)9. Next go to /root/zx/gamed/config and copy all files except the folder to your Client paste on element/data so your server file match on client file.10.
- Cara Membuat Private Server Perfect World Download
- Perfect World Private Server
- Perfect World Private Server 2019

Open your client file. Go to elementuserdataserver and open serverlist.txt, change IP on serverlist.txt with your server IP save and close.11. Download and extract.
Put it on /opt/lampp/htdocs and paste it. Open config.php and change DBName as 'zxsf' without quote.12. After Doing all this your server is now ready to start it,now U need to do a reboot which can be done by typing reboot in theVmware, after reboot login again and type (ifconfig) with out the bracesto check your IP if its not what u did change it using the step aboveif its okay you can start the server by typing./start, and you canstop the server by typing./stop on your VMWareto sign new account go to your browser and type and sign get GM account go to your browser and type login as root and password 123456. Click zsfx-users- delete ID 48 and change ID have you registered before to 48.for open GM Console press CTRL+Gsome JD tools.NOTE: this is server use lastest client file from Jade Dynasty International or from.
If you cannot get this to work. Your notfollowing ALL the directions to the Letter. Read ENTIRE post as wellas watch the videos. This was not put together for my pleasure but toassure accuracy and your being able to run the server / clientsproperly.This configuration has made setting up patching far easier on ServerAdmins which ultimately gives the Players more time to Play.Utilized the pwAdmin, PLEASE say Thank you / Like button to 343 and thepwAdmin team for all their hard work, as well as, my own.
The 5 videos will walk you through extracting the server, importing theserver, starting up Xampp (MySQL, Apache Tomcat, Tomcat services),client configuration / usage (Always use the Verify button), ALL of thefeatures on the pwAdmin web service panel, End-User access to the webpage (Registration, Password Changes, Help Desk), Administration (HelpDesk Admin, Stop/Start/Backup server, Addons, Server Control, Accountmaintenance and adding Jadeons), Creating a patch, and some things that Ijust cannot recall this minute). Folks this is the end-all Server setup guide / Release.There are 5 YouTube video clips approx 5-10 mins each.Watch them because I will Not answer questions found in these videos.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>gdsgdsgdgdg. Server EmulateSServer.ova file for usage with Virtual Box.Makesure you have enough space for both the uncompressed EmulateSServer.ovafile, as well as, the imported virtual box EmulateSServer which wouldnow encompass additional space. Once imported you can remove theEmulateSServer.ova file or leave it on your system for backuppurposes. Due to fully encrypted & unpacked client onthe server as well as data stored off to the 'cpw' database, I cannotreduce the size of the server. It does have the capability in place toincrease to 30gig if you so desire as well.This is a very unique build.
You cannot change this setup or you destroy the work put into it. This is not a joke or a boast.99uc-20101104-02.rar was utilized for 'gamed' and 'gamedbd' ONLY. Not tomention that I did Not utilize all of the gamed folder, only the configfolder itself, scripts folder and the primary gamed folder contents aremy modification with Rain & MCNCC in order to get this to workproperly (not that it mattered but scripting was a huge issue and whythose few lottery items are not working, they were not with 99uceither). Download links for Server working.I've completed a lot of work on this server.EmulateS.Zhu Xian aka Jade Dynasty Client.:Download links for Client working.Reminder:ufw (firewall) is already enabled and preconfigured to block all but:Following are set to Allow to/from Anywhere.
Cara Membuat Private Server Perfect World Download
MarryGroom + Bride: +DivorceSpouse:.characters should be logged outYOUR VERY FIRST PATCHReason the ZX client that I currently use is pointing to my website as adefault location for such things as Buy Jadeons (ZX) etc. This can bemodified in the file 'url.ini' found inside 'configs.pck' file onceunpacked.unpack, modify, repack configs.pck (this is not the patch just the fix)-open a command prompt (not showing you how to do this omg please)change directories to your ZX Client 'C:ClientLocationlaunchertools' folder and unpack the configs.pckExample:1. Cd C:WhereEverYourZXClientIsLocatedlaunchertools3. SPCK.exe -x C:WhereEverYourZXClientIsLocatedelementconfigs.pck.this unpacks configs.pck found in your element folder to:C:WhereEverYourZXClientIsLocatedelementconfigs.pck.files4.

Perfect World Private Server
Open your wordpad or whatever and edit the following fileC:WhereEverYourZXClientIsLocatedelementconfigs.pck.filesconfigsurl.ini5. Change to whatever your server or desire is.DO NOT USE MINE as I have it all blocked and its just irritating to have gone through all of this and people not to listen.6.
Perfect World Private Server 2019
Repack the file making sure your still in the launchertools foldersPCK.exe -c C:WhereEverYourZXClientIsLocatedelementconfigs.pck.filesThis puts your modified configs.pck into your C:WhereEverYourZXClientIsLocatedelement folder all over again7. Learn how to create the patches will be explained soon, I promise.CREDITS:@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@343.